16 March, 2018
前幾天看了《礦井下的彩虹》(The Pitmen Painters)舞台劇,講述發生於英國30年代的真人真事,一班礦工如何從零開始接觸藝術。
The Pitmen Painters is a play based on the true story of Ashington Group - a group of Northumbrian miners who started learning art appreciation in 1934. It talks a lot about what is art and its function.
One quote from their art teacher Lyon, “It was perfectly clear that these men had decided views on what they did not want to the class to be. They did not want to be told what was the correct thing to look for in a work of Art but to see for themselves why this should be correct;
in other words, they wanted a way, if possible, of seeing it for themselves.”